
Community Update

Aerial & Marketing Sheet Comparison

As construction continues on The Springs Section 1 we receive many questions concerning what everyone is seeing from CR427 as they pass by.  The short answer is you aren’t seeing very much!  From the south end of the lake while on the road, you are only seeing about half of the lake for a second or two heading north.  If you look at the image below, you can see a side by side comparison of our marketing sheet and recent aerial photo.  This image collage shows similar vantage points for reality to the left and our marketing sheet to the right.

Springs construction and marketing sheet comparison

At the middle bottom of the image is small marketing sheet with photo location and orientation for reference (in yellow).  Note the sanitary sewer construction (and large equipment) being performed and the halfway mark on the lake.  This aerial photo still doesn’t contain all of The Spring Section 1, but gives a good example of the size of the overall site.  It is quite a challenge to represent over a mile of water with a picture!

The Springs will be completed soon and we are in the final steps of completion on the Graber Commons, our first phase of commercial sites.  The Heron Lake site will be supplied by City of Auburn Water and Sewer.  Keep an eye out for increased activity along CR427 as we place the waterline, storm water pipes, and new entry shortly!

Springs Sanitary Sewer Construction & Phases question

The site continues to change day by day, seeing the planning come into view is quite exciting!  The Heron Lake community will have city water and sewer, and the sanitary sewer just started construction.  If you drive north on CR427 you have probably already noticed all of the activity!  This particular section of sanitary sewer will also provide the connection for future sections to the north.  Those next phases will start this upcoming spring with lots available by early summer 2018.  Don’t miss out on your tour and access to our pre-sales discounts, reserve your lot soon!

Springs sanitary sewer construction

Common questions:  Lately we have been receiving a lot of questions concerning the sections and anticipated roll out times.  In short, the overall development (roadway, utilities, marinas, & amenities) will be constructed on a three year timeline, with the phases broken into three annual goals.  This accounts for roughly a third of our lots being available each year starting 2017 until 2019.  The pre-sales discounts are offered for future sections and are your way of reserving a lot and price point.  Join our mailing list to see current phasing exhibits!

Springs Sanitary Construction

Springs available this fall – Commons nears completion

The south end of the lake continues to take shape!  While these surface improvements are eye catching, is also good to remember all of the effort expended already in the lakeshore restoration and site reclamation (almost two miles!).  Our community planning focus is the lake and seeing all of the construction efforts shape the future lots and roadway is quite exciting!

Springs roadway under construction

The Commons site is almost completed.  Those commercial lots will be available for transfer within the next month or so.  You will notice in the picture below that the residential lake lots are starting to appear.  The majority of work so far has been on non-lakefront lots and with the roadway being placed things are really starting to take shape!  Schedule your tour today to see for yourself!

Springs overall site work

Springs roadway and Commons waterline construction

Roadway construction

Springs Phase 1 fully underway!

The first phase of the Springs is now changing day by day. The roadway and other elements are being constructed and seeing the site transform is something to behold! Can you spot the three earthmovers in the picture to the right? The closest and farthest away (far left) are almost a half a mile apart! You really have to visit the site to truly experience the beauty and scale, schedule your tour today!

Waterline construction

Connecting the Commons

The entire Heron Lake project will enjoy City of Auburn Water and Sewer. The Commons are our first area to be connected to water, the Springs will follow shortly. Notice the exceptionally large water pipe lying on the ground, this is to accommodate both Heron and future expansion on the south side of Auburn. Keep an eye out for our sanitary pipe laying, starting next week!

See Our Story

Sales office move almost complete!

Sales update

New Sales Office Location

Our new sales office was delivered over the past couple of weeks. We have been moving everything over and hope to be up and running soon. The classic car parades have made the setup very enjoyable. Just look for the new signs to point the way!

Phase update

Utility Construction Underway

The water and sanitary lines are being constructed. You can view the progress in our commercial outlots, the Commons from CR11A and CR427. As the Springs section begins, you will need to view from CR427 near Cedar Creek.

See Our Story


Site availability update

Phase 1 is being constructed!

Commercial and residential lots will be available for transfer within 90 days. City water and sewer will commence construction in a week or two!

Community Update

A common question on tours

When will the lake be ready? The lake construction activities should be completed by summer 2018. However, the lake is already over 80% completed so you can go fishing or cruising right now. Our first lots will be available for transfer late fall with anticipated house completions next summer. Reserve your lot today, they are going fast!

Take me to the top!


Phase 1, consisting of the first 75 lots, will be completed soon (September – October time frame). If you reserve your lot before the completion of Phase 1, you will receive a 10% off discount! Talk to us about taking your tour and reserving your lot soon.