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Roundabout Planning Underway!

By June 13, 2018No Comments

We are pleased to announce that two weeks ago Heron Development received provisional approval from the Redevelopment Commission (RDC) for matching TIF funds to aid in our construction of a proposed roundabout.  These funds, up to $225,000, will be used for construction pending the additional approval of the final construction plans and permitting by the various agencies.  Heron is excited about the opportunity to improve this intersection and help aid in regional development and growth.  This intersection treatment, seen below, will accommodate all forms of traffic and allow for better traffic flows in the future as they continue to increase.  This roundabout is much larger than the roundabouts on Union Chapel Road in Allen County, instead using sizing currently in practice around Indianapolis.  This will provide our primary commercial entrance and we anticipate that it will commence construction next spring and be completed by early summer.  Thank you to all that appeared at the public meetings, met with us individually, or otherwise provide feedback and comments!

Proposed Roundabout

On other news, Bob Buescher Homes broke ground with trenching footers for their model home foundation today!  This model is going in at Lot 1 in The Springs.  We are excited to see the model homes start construction.  Stay tuned for other updates and keep your eyes open for other foundations being placed.  Should you have any questions about the Buescher model home please don’t hesitate to contact them at the number shown in the picture.


The other house in the picture is a private home being built by Timberlin on Lot 5.  It quite amazing to see the homes starting to take shape.  Don’t forget to schedule your tour and see the transformations occurring around the site!

Springs – Lot 1 – Bob Buescher Homes

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